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Monday, March 31, 2008

Back in late February, I received a note from Garry Trudeau thanking me and Heidi for our contribution to the new book, The Sandbox. Heidi and I didn't contribute much to the book, but we were happy for the shout out and the service patch is really nice. Mr. Trudeau's note came the same week as the one from the Prez, so it was a pretty good week, mail-wise.

If you haven't ever dropped in at the SandBox, please do so and preferably when you have the time to read a few dozen of the blogs from soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can find the Sandbox here. It would be good for you.

And check the book out. You need a copy. Buy one for a friend.

Here is my note back to Mr. Trudeau.

March 31, 2008

Dear Mr. Trudeau:

It was with great excitement that I received your note of February 29th, thanking me for my contribution to The Sandbox. Heidi and I appreciate your kind note and the enclosed service patches. It was my honor and privilege to have but a small part in The Sandbox and to the blog I kept going while Heidi was deployed.

You have long had a fan in me and now I add to this lifelong admiration, a sincere appreciation for what you have done and continue to do for our service personnel and their families. As I shared with David some time again, I have often felt alone with regards to my concern for our military, especially when my daughter was deployed, as no one about me has any connection whatsoever with the GWOT except to complain about “how long it is taking to bring it all to a conclusion”. My friends and acquaintances seem totally unaware that we, the families of the soldiers and the soldiers themselves, could not want a ‘conclusion’ any less than the rest of the citizens of this great country. Thank you for the part you play in not letting them forget.

My daughter, Heidi, is now a sergeant and stationed at Ft. Jackson where she takes care of incoming soldiers and teaches classes to other soldiers in training there at Jackson. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God she is home safe. Her fiancé, Sgt. Rob Eshleman, is currently stationed in Baghdad after a 16 month tour in Afghanistan. We miss him very much.

Life goes on and the war continues with no end in sight. Soldiers and civilians continue to die as we struggle to make sure no one forgets our armed forces, their families and their sacrifice. Thank you for your commitment to doing the same.

Most sincerely,

Heidi's Mom

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